Logan's Home
My Home on the Interwebs
It's been a while.
It's been a hot minute since I last added something to my site. A lot has happened.
Donald Trump caused an attempted coup d'état. Dondald Trump's term as President then expireed and Joesph R. Biden; also known
as my personal lord and savior; was elected President.
But in other news, I added some stuff to my site. For one, you might notice that my font is Comfortaa, not Times-new-Roman.
Unless for some reason the font decided not to load, in which case it's still Times-New-Roman. Sorry. :(. However, in other news I also fixed
the off-to-the-side tweet!
Specifically, I got my Dad to fix it using some Javascript that goes wayyyyy over my head. After all, he's the web developer, not me.
Because of that he's like a wizard in Javascript from my perspective.
What the tweet looked like before (left) and the magical Javascript my dad used to fix it (right).
It was so disgusting before!
There's also one more thing:
For a more consistant look, I finally switched [most] of the styles on my site from vh and vw to px! Dad should be happy. :D
Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com Website coded from the ground up by Logan C. Paper Background by V.Hartikainen https://tiled-bg.blogspot.com/search/label/light?max-results=10 Pickaxe Image: https://dlpng.com/png/7001966 All else Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com