Logan's Home
My Home on the Interwebs
To quote Bonzi Buddy: Well, hello there! I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Logan. Nice to meet you reader. Since this is the first time we have met, I'd like to tell you a little about myself. Ok, well, that's enough quoting a long dead piece of spyware. But me quoting him should tell you a little about myself. I love building, religiously honoring, and playing around with tech. At times, like right now, I've had a hobby where I play around with virtual machines. Lately I've been going mad trying to install Windows 98 so I can play YouTube in an old-ass operating system running in a VM. Also, I have a YouTube channel where I lean into none of those things! You can find it at the link in the menu. Anyway, Take your time! Feel free to explore my Website! Or, stay here with me and learn a little more 'bout me.
Me very recently using my wall as a blue-screen! :D
I know, this is bragging, but I really do want to flex my arguably not-that-impressive rig on all of you reading this section. My rig is based around an MSI motherboard (not sure what model though, but it is an x370 board and it is Gaming G Series), coupled with a Ryzen 7 1700X that I only have because it was on sale a few years ago. In terms of RAM, I have 16GB of 2400 MHz RGB ram from Ballistix running in dual channel. For graphics I have a GTX 980, which I know isn't that impressive but it runs most games well enough. After all, I only have a 1080p60 monitor. But, the thing I'm 2nd most proud of is, the storage. I have a 500GB NVMe boot SSD, and a 3TB Hard Drive for all my games and videos and stuuf. Basically, if it needs a lot of space to store, it's on the 3TB drive. Also, I have a 250GB 2.5" Hard Drive from which I boot broken Kubuntu (I tried uninstalling python, and it killed Linux). However, none of this are the most impressive things to me, that is the RGB lit case. I love it sooooo much, as well as the clear side panel. I honor my rig religiously I love it soo much. This thing absoultly crushes American Truck Simulator, and holds its own in Minecraft with extreme shaders. This rig is also the machine I am currently creating this website on! In terms of peripherals, I have a very clicky mechanical keyboard from Redragon, and the awesome Logitech G602 Wireless mouse. Aside from that I have 2 average 1920x1080p60 monitors, nothing special, and NO SPEAKERS! Instead I use Corsair HS60 headphones on loan from my dad, and these things in terms of sound quality, are THE BOSS! *as far as I'm concerned. Seriously, these things sound amazing.
This is an image of MY RIG!
My Art!
There's one more thing I do, other than experiment around in VMs, play games, honor my computer, and make websites. That thing is: occasionally make art! I use Procreate on my iPad to make art every once-in-a-while! In fact, the whole reason why I have an iPad right now is that my parents were so impressed with my drawings on the iPads at the Apple Store that they bought me one for Christmas a month later. I don't make art very often, but when I do, everyone things it's pretty good, so, I'll show you one of my drawings, a drawing of my favorite dessert on earth: The Cheesecake.
A drawing of Cheesecake
Why I include a link to Campaign Zero.
Rascism in the police is more appearent than ever after George Floyd's recent death, and to be frank this is a disgusting thing, so I want to do whatever I can to fight against this. Please, do whatever you can on there.
The image on the homepage of Campaign Zero.
Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com Last image Copyright 2020 Campaign Zero. https://www.joincampaignzero.org/ Website coded from the ground up by Logan C. Paper Background by V.Hartikainen https://tiled-bg.blogspot.com/search/label/light?max-results=10 Pickaxe Image: https://dlpng.com/png/7001966 All else Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com